Friday, March 19, 2010

Would you name your baby Jy9hx?

Many of us involved in the web presence industry are challenged to create good domain names that are fit to cover all the issues of a good name and the added challenge of finding a .com available. We, at Image Factory ( ) named most of our clients' web sites, and we face this challenge on a daily basis. I am not a big fan of gibberish domain names, but many of our clients insist for a short domain name and the availability pool narrows by the second even for nonsense "words".
When searching for a new domain name, what criteria has proven best for you?
a) easy to market?
b) easy to remember?
c) search engine friendly?
d) branding-ready resonance?
e) most illustrative for the business?

How do you create a domain name?
1) A domain name identical or as close as possible to the name of the business the web site would represent?
2) Just the initials of the business, if available?
3) A domain name as short as possible, even if the only available short domain name would be a random mix of letters and/or numbers without a meaning?
4) A rhyming, jingle-like domain name, that would be easy to remember even if it is many letters long?
5) An invented, non existing word that resembles a meaning related to the business the web site represents?
6) A scrabble-like playful or humorous anagram?

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